Saturday, June 22, 2013

One Down, Ninety-six to Go

Well, the first week is done, and much learning has gone on.  Summer sessions at the Academy of Art are a unique experience.  I am enrolled in two classes and have spent sixteen hours in them, combined.  In those sixteen hours, I have learned the fundamental value and appeal of games in human culture, designed a primitive game with a team of two other students and learned (but not mastered) a wealth of drawing techniques, including: an iterative system for creating the illusion of three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface; how to blend charcoal strokes with a "cowboy hat," (also known as an ass-gasket, texas t-shirt, portagee penoir, or simply toilet seat cover.  Thank you, Urban Dictionary); practice methods for drawing freehand ellipses and straight vertical lines; the difference between charcoal pencils, vine charcoal, and compressed charcoal; and why the SHAMWOW is a vital tool for any artist.  So far, I think I am getting my money's worth.  Maybe more.

My first in-class charcoal drawing assignment, about 30% done.

Going to school again has thrown into relief how important intellectual stimulation and interpersonal interactions are to my mental well-being.  After this first week, I am more inspired and productive than I have been in a long time.  I feed on the people around me and the ideas that are embedded in my environment.  I digest these things and turn them into mental energy and ideas of my own.  I must make sure to delve into these aspects of the university experience, and find ways to continue that trend after graduation.  My success depends on it.  If this drive keeps up, I will have much to show for it.

In my last post, I promised some info on Visual Development.  Here is a concise, three-part definition  of Visual Development from Mr. Villarreal:

1) Designing with a goal based on a story

2) Setting the style or visual identity of a project

3) Creating appealing, functional designs for the story.

But why not hear it from the horse's mouth?  He sums it up quite well in the first two minutes of this video:

 Pretty cool, no?  This is what I have to look forward to, but there is plenty to learn and do already.  Here is some Visual Development eye candy:

The final piece above is from the AAU's annual Spring Show, which is a showcase of the best student work.  It is my goal to be in the Spring Show every single year, and this blog will be the place for you to see that happen, step by step.

More to come.  Robin out.


  1. So your gunna design video game characters??

    1. That is high up on the possibility list. I could also end up designing weapons, environments, vehicles, and creatures. In the long run, I want to get into Art Direction, which is basically being the artist that tells all the other artists what to do.
